Scrum Machine Mash Up
Whilst we have all been in Lock Down during the Covid 19 Pandemic, the "Facility Fairies" have been busy (mainly because they basically have no life) creating something only a Tight Five Forward would appreciate.
So if you are a Back, look away now, as you surely will have no interest.
For several years we have had bits and pieces of various scrum machines lying around and gathering dust, so the fairies came up with an idea.
Why not combine the old machine up on the hill with parts we purchased from the Rebels to create what is arguably the only "Head to Head" Scrum Machine in Victoria.

It has wheels that can be raised and lowered for use as a "Skid".
Lots of cutting, drilling, grinding, welding and painting later and here we have the finished product.
The fairies are now completely buggered and are enjoying a well earned beer.
Here's hoping it makes a difference in 2021.