Road 2 Rebels 2021 Holiday Clinics and Special Christmas Pack offer

To get a head start on Rugby in new year the Rebels have released their Holiday Rugby programs early along with a special Christmas deal if you sign up before this Friday the 18th of December.

If you don't wish to take up the early bird Christmas offer you are still able to register for the programs throughout next year.

Ages 8 – 13 years old

Clinic 1: January Holiday clinics (Conditioning and core skills)
Girls: Thursday 21st January
Boys: Friday 22nd January

Clinic 2 : April Holiday clinics (Contact and position specific skills)
Girls: Thursday 15th April
Boys: Friday 16th April

Clinic 3 : September Holiday clinics (Sevens rugby skills)
Girls: Thursday 30th September
Boys: Friday 1st October


To book for this special package -

NB: Offer closes 18th December 2020