AGM 2024
The club committee has resolved to provide notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Moorabbin Rugby Union Football Club.
Date and time
The meeting will be held in person at 6.30pm on 12 November 2024 at Keys Road
Reserve, Jack McDavitt Pavilion, 92 Keys Rd Moorabbin.
To hold the Annual General Meeting for the Moorabbin Rugby Union Football Club.
The agenda for the Annual General Meeting is attached to this notice and only the
business for which notice has been provided will be conducted at the meeting.
Committee Nominations
Members are encouraged to nominate for committee positions to be elected at the
Annual General Meeting. The nomination forms are attached and need to be
returned to the Secretary. It is requested that nominations are lodged with the
Secretary ( ) 72 hours before the Annual General
Members entitled to vote on a resolution at a General Meeting must do so in person.